It is important that you do not feel rushed into making funeral arrangements for your loved one. Give yourselves time to comprehend the enormity of your loss. There is no urgency to have the service as soon as possible. Heartfelt Funerals encourage you to allow enough time to consider your options and discuss with family your preferred wishes to farewell your loved one; unique to them and fitting to their life lived. The timing of the funeral is entirely up to you. There is a misconception that you only have a few days to arrange and hold a funeral, in fact having more time between a loved one’s passing and their funeral service is becoming more common. Depending on your wishes some items can take a few days to coordinate such as a personalised coffin. Consideration may also need to be taken for family members traveling from interstate or overseas. Allowing a longer period of time for your loved one’s funeral will ensure that all the details and your wishes are in place. You do not get to do this again therefore it is extremely important that is done your way and you walk away knowing that you have honoured your loved one the way they would have wanted.